Life in Walkdown – Denny Reservoirs

For much of 2020 travel was restricted to one’s local area and so many of my walks during ‘lockdown’, as it was called, took place within a relatively short distance, in fact mostly walking distance, from home. A few of my walks in lockdown – or ‘walkdown’ as I came to call it – took me up to the reservoirs above Denny: Little Denny Reservoir and Drumbowie Reservoir.

Little Denny Reservoir, viewed from Drumbowie
Little Denny Reservoir, viewed from Drumbowie

These two reservoirs lie on the eastern edge of the Kilsyth Hills, between Denny to the north-east and Banknock to the south-west, and can be reached by a relatively short, but fairly steep, walk from where I live or a longer, more gradual, ascent if one approaches from Head of Muir.
A regular door-to-door round-trip taking in both reservoirs is slightly longer than 8km. However during lockdown I visited the reservoirs using a variety of routes: my shortest walk, a straight there-and-back from home, was just over 7km, while my longest, on one of the sunnier days of the year, was around 10.5km as I extended the route to pass Myot Hill and ended up walking home from Denny.

Little Denny Reservoir
Little Denny Reservoir

When the restrictions were lifted a little and one was allowed to travel by car, I did that on the odd occasion and drove to one of the parking spaces nearby to start my circular walk from there. Saved all that bother about uphill walking! Sometimes a more leisurely walk is called for and appreciated.

Drumbowie Reservoir, near Denny
Drumbowie Reservoir, near Denny
Sunset over Drumbowie Reservoir, near Denn,y on Christmas Eve 2020
Sunset over Drumbowie Reservoir, near Denny, on Christmas Eve 2020

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